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Communication, Relationships

6 Questions You Should Ask Yourself Before Moving On To A New Relationship

Written by Maggie Heath
Maggie is a passionate writer who blogs about communication and lifestyle on Lifehack.
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Once you’ve made the transition from taken to single, it’s hard to transition back to a relationship. Sometimes, you’re stuck in your single ways. Other times, you’re still hung up on your ex. Whatever the reason, it can be hard to know if you’re ready to take the leap and start a new relationship. Lucky for you, we’re here to help! Check out the following six things that indicate your readiness to move on to a new relationship. If you answer yes to all of the following questions, you’re ready!

1. Are you comfortable with yourself?

If you’re happy with where you are in your life, then it’s a sign that you’re ready to let someone else into your life. It’s hard to let another person love you if you can’t love yourself first, so make sure you’re happy with everything else in your life. If you’re thinking of making a big change, like moving to a new city or switching careers, it might be best to wait until everything has settled down before taking the plunge.

2. Are you satisfied with being single?

Singleness scares some people, and that’s fine. It can definitely be scary to not have the comfort of a significant other. That being said, you’ve got to be comfortable with yourself before you can be comfortable with someone else. Additionally, you shouldn’t begin a new relationship until you’ve gotten your singleness out of your system. Make sure you’re totally comfortable with yourself and that you’re ready to move on to a new chapter.

3. Are you prepared to communicate?

Communication is key in relationships. After all, your partner can’t read your mind, so make sure that you understand the importance of communication. Talking things out and getting on the same page is vital. Try this out by practicing good communication with your friends, family members, and coworkers. If you can communicate effectively with them, chances are you’ll be able to do so with your new beau or lady friend.

4. Have you stopped visiting your ex’s Facebook page?

We’ve all been there, trust me. But making visit after visit to your ex’s profile will only make you feel more lonely, and it’s a sign that you’re not ready to move on to a new romantic relationship. Let your ex go, and soon you’ll feel ready to get back out there and meet someone new. Another tip: don’t get into a new relationship unless you think you’re ready to be with someone who isn’t your ex. Just because things are different, that doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be just as good — and probably even better!

5. Can you let the little things go?

Getting hung up on every little thing that bothers you is a recipe for failure. Everyone has slightly irritating habits. Don’t let these get in the way of forming a new relationship. Try to find something positive in the little things, or learn to simply ignore them. Truth be told, you probably have annoying quirks, too, and your partner tolerates those. Return the favor and practice patience and understanding.


6. Do you want to date, rather than feel like you should date?

It’s an all too common problem: everyone around you is dating or in a serious relationship, and you’re feeling like the odd one out. Start a new relationship if and only if you want to…not just because it’s what everyone else is doing. Jumping on the bandwagon like that will just lead to disaster for your relationship, and whomever you’re dating deserves more than that. So take your time and don’t worry about what others are doing. Your time will come, and then you’ll be ready to dive headfirst into the world of dating once again.

Featured photo credit: Lotus Carroll via flickr.com

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